Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Couple of Items...

Thank you to everyone who has been so patient with me getting our links bar up... Tah Dah! If you glance to the right you will see a partial list of players from all 3 Artful Christmas Swap Groups. Can I say a New England thing here? You all are WICKED talented!! If I wasn't running the swap I would TOTALLY want in! Which brings me to my next item...

Group 3 is still taking shape but we will have a full group... I'm sorry if you are on the outside, checking back here to see if you are in the group but I am still checking to make sure that everyone who initially signed up is still interested. I will e-mail everyone, in and out (sniff, sniff) in a couple days after folks get back to me. If you are in Group 3 you can go ahead and make 12 gifts because all of the spaces will be filled by the end of the week.

If you DO NOT get into a group... I can't make promises but if you are a gambling person, let me put you on a wait list. I know, that doesn't sound like fun but just a couple of weeks ago I was wait listed for a Tim Holtz class and thought "ah, there's no way!" and then the week before I got the call that someone had to drop out. It can happen!! It's trickier with a swap but if you are like me, I always have hand made gifts on hand to pass out to co-workers and friends and of course the all important 'in-a-pinch' gift... Let's wait and see. Sometimes the energy just rolls the right way.

Little people will be waking soon and I gotta let the dog out. Keep checking back for blog updates and the final word on Group 3.


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